A 'Friday's Child' Blog

Welcome & Thanks for joining me as I attempt to unscramble the craziness running around in my brain . . . Stick around & you just might find me rambling on about sewing, cooking, baking, homeschooling, romance, getting fit {hah!}, and keeping my sanity while raising the Littles . . . Is that even possible?¿? (=

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ruffles, the Drama Queen

Have you ever had one of 'those' experiences that you wish SO BADLY had been captured on camera?  You know what I mean... ;)

We had one recently during our long tiring extended vacation to Walt Disney World.  We left on a Saturday morning and came home late the following Wednesday night.  I know, you're thinking "ummm...extended?"  YES.  It was LONG!!!

On Monday we had plans to meet up with The Hubs' oldest brother, his wife and their daughter for a day of FUN in the Magic Kingdom.  But the 1st thing on Ruffles agenda was to ''Doe tee Mitty Mouse."  Now, anyone who knows Ruffles...or even spends five minutes in her presence KNOWS that she is High Maintenance.  She doesn't like loud noises, sudden moves, masks, insane hats, elaborate costumes, anyone who isn't ME...and a whole list of other things!  But, she wanted to see 'The Mouse'.  Go Figure.

Well M&M were right next to where we ate lunch & there was only a 5 minute wait, so we decided to give it a shot.  Besides Robot LOVES to see the characters.  He always has.  We went right in to Mickey's dressing room, and Mickey & Minnie were mostly out of our site due to the huge steamer trunk opened in front of us.  We occasionally got a glimpse of ears as they walked around and posed for pictures.  So...here is an excerpt of Ruffles' monologue while waiting in line:

"I donna tee Mitty Mouse."
"I toe et~cited."
"I wait my tuwrn."
"I tee 'huwr' ears!"
{{to some random lady in line}} "Mitty Mouse is BIG as Mommy!"
"Minnie hewre too! I tee Minnie, Mommy!!!"
"I toe et~cited.  I wait my tuwrn."
"We nezt, Mommy? Oh, I toe et~cited."

We finally get to our turn & Ruffles & I stand back so Robot can have his turn first and she can have a few more seconds to assess the situation.  She decides to pass Mickey with a wave & go straight for Minnie...I stop in front of Minnie~not TOO close, but close enough & Minnie waves 'Hi'.  Ruffles says 'Hi Minnie, Hi." and volunteers her name to Minnie.  

She then turns to me with a stoic face and deadpan voice & says "I say hi.  To Minnie.  Mouse."  Then the head gets thrown back, the mouth opens and TORMENTED WAILING ensues.  "I DONE!  I DONE!  GET ME OUTTA HERE NOW!  I.  TOE.  DONE!  BYE MINNIE!  BYE MITTY!  I DONE!"

It took every ounce of "Mommy~ness" in me to comfort her and NOT. LAUGH.  But really...when you have a child as dramatic as that one, you eventually just have to enjoy it, or you'll go mad.  ;)

This picture was taken directly after "The Incident" while waiting for the parade to start.  An entirely NEW debacle for Miss Ruffles to be "DONE!" with~and a whole 'nother story, lol!  Here's to 'Magical Memories' with our loved ones! ;)

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